Friday, January 30, 2009

WHAT I CARRY WITH ME.. soft lips?

well since i was absent for the first day of class when this was assigned im not completely sure what im supposed to do.  rumor has it that im supposed to empty my bag and pick an item of what i carry with me.  so i emptied my bag..

i found a variety of things but what i found most important to me is my chapstick!  chapstick is an essential part of my life.  i brush my teeth i put on my chapstick.. i eat a meal i put on my chapstick.. before i go to bed i apply my chapstick.

lets just think for a minute.. how important is it to have soft lips...?

have you ever been talking to someone and their lips are so chapped that you cant look at their eyes but instead you find yourself watching their lips?  well maybe thats a little weird but i think you get what im saying..

There are two specific kinds of chapstick you can find in my bag.  the original ChapStick brand mint flavor or the ever so lovely RUTGERS brand found at the bookstore.  funny story about that lovely rutgers chapstick of mine.. me and two friends were buying our books for this semester and at the book store they have a box of sample gum to try out and then at the next register they have the box of chapticks (with the price clearly stampled $3.98 .. which i find to be a little expensive to simply show some school pride). well my intelligent friend kindly grabbed the chapstick.. unwrapped it.. used it.. and put it in her pocket.  not paying for it.  SHE THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE SAMPLES.. chapstick? honestly? a free sample? i dont think so.. so to make a long story short i bought the chapstick and it is now located in my bag.